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SEIZED UP (US) + Odpisani (SLO) + Bäd Hammer (AT)


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Music-House Graz
Mondscheingasse 9
8010 Graz

Punk Verein Austria

Punk Verein Austria presents:

one of the newest members of the hardcore punk scene featuring members of BL’AST, GOOD RIDDANCE, THE DISTILLERS, and FAST ASLEEP, emerged during the chaos of a world gripped by an unprecedented pandemic. In an era marked by increased social strife, economic uncertainty, and political chaos, SEIZED UP found inspiration amidst the turmoil. The band’s music became a beacon of urgency and social responsibility, reflecting the shared determination of its members.

Their debut album, ‘Brace Yourself,’ served as a defiant response to the dystopian landscape they observed. Released during the worst days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the album struck a chord with a world grappling with political unrest, gentrification, escalating homelessness, and racial tensions. The record not only resonated with listeners but also captivated critics, earning acclaim for its raw, unapologetic energy.

In a world caught in a virtual purgatory, SEIZED UP’s music transcends the chaos. The band believes that their songs, infused with passion and purpose, have the power to cut through the noise and make a difference. Their debut album, ‘Brace Yourself,’ stands as a testament to this belief—a sonic manifesto that speaks volumes about the state of the world and the band’s unwavering commitment to addressing it.

with guests:

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